Sunday, January 23, 2011

Merry Christmas: January style

Merry Christmas from the Johnson's. OK, so I am a little late. But hey, better late than never, right? So in true Julie form, I got a new camera for Christmas and didn't take any pictures of Christmas. No present opening, no tree, no childhood whoops of glee. Nothing. I'm hoping my parents will share theirs. So for now I only have this lovely picture of Gran with the boys.

We did have a great winter holiday. Lots of cake. We titled this picture "Captain Gavin" as he looks surprisingly similar to the Captain Morgan Rum pirate.

All milestones must be documented, and here we are sitting down to our first preschool "homework" assignment. The boys colored, cut and glued 4 dinosaurs from biggest to smallest.

A big milestone for me. I turned 37 on the 20th of January and got to spend it with my 3 favorite boys. Gavin refrained from licking my cake this year, which was a big plus. It turns out that he and I are the only angel food cake lovers in the family so we polished off the cake ourselves. And yes, that big glass of wine is mine!

On the health front... I left off in Dec. with the question of Cole's big lymph nodes. Well, it appears that they have been caused in part by a lovely case of ring worm on his scalp. So hopefully that is it and we've been working on clearing that up.
Cole has been doing a great job at the Jackson Center since returning to class in early Jan. I think he has finally resigned himself to the fact that I'm going to keep taking him there, so he might as well have a little fun along the way. He has been really cooperative and happy. And it turns out that bad weather is definitely in our favor. Cole was the only one in class both Wed. and Thurs. this week due to sickness and snowy weather. That means one on one with Lara and Edit. I guess my Wisconsin driving training has come in handy... nothing keeps me home. Some call me a devoted mother, but it really boils down to NOTHING will keep me in the house all day with these two yahoos.
Congratulation to the Green Bay Packers! Off to the Superbowl.
(And no, Eric cannot get you tickets to the Superbowl ; - )
Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. What kind of camera did you get????? I've been saving up for almost a year to buy one. I'm almost there!
