Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's a wonderful life

I woke up this morning thinking to myself, "what a wonderful life". You may find that interesting as I spent the evening in the ER with Gavin for a concussion (he is fine) and the week running from developmental preschool to conductive education to hippotherapy to the eye doctor and finally to the chiropractor. All that instead of attending playgroups with other mothers who have children the same age, chatting about how bright and advanced our children are and what preschool they are going to attend (sarcasm noted). But I was chosen to care for two great little boys who follow their own path and take me to places I have never been, nor would have ever dreamed of going. I wouldn't want it any other way. Jimmy Stewart had it right. It really is a wonderful life.

Cole's Story

After a 3 week trial period at developmental preschool, a full time aide was approved to work with Cole. The teachers/therapists agreed that he belonged in the class and just needed more help to physically get around. We are really pleased with the decision and have found the school district easy to work with. This is in glaring contrast to the horror stories I have heard from other special needs parents in other school districts.

Cole had a great week at the Jackson Center. He is getting new foot orthodics. He hated the old ones and they were cutting into his calves. He worked all week just in regular shoes. SOOO much better.

Cole on the potty at the Jackson Center.

Cole and Ms. Lara after class.

Video of Cole walking with Matt. Great progress!

Gavin's Story

So here is the story of Gavin. We had just gotten home from the chiropractor at 3:30 on Friday. The boys were tired, but we missed nap and decided to play outside. Shiloh was all revved up and ready to play frisbee. Unfortunately, Gavin happened to be in his path and Shiloh took him out, causing him to hit his head on the driveway. There wasn't a scratch on him, but he was disoriented and crying and sleepy. Both boys fell asleep in the stroller in which I took this oh so cute photo...(with instigator Shiloh in the background). I thought nothing of it.

So Gavin wakes up and is not himself, complaining that his head hurts. Two vomits later, Gavin and I find ourselves in the ER. He has a concussion.

We are there until 11pm for observation and finally released. It is not serious. Gavin had a great time playing with toys and watching movies and one on one time with mom. He didn't want to come home.