Thursday, March 18, 2010

What's so funny?

Cole has just been cracking me up lately. This post is dedicated to him.

Cracking up to the movie Cars.

We visited Tri-West Middle School last Friday and we were invited into Mr. Frederick's band room. Cole LOVED listening the band.

Cole at Piper's 2nd birthday party.

Happily riding Gideon the horse at TherAplay.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Breaking ground! today was a really, really good day. A day when you think gosh how did I get so lucky to be living this life? We broke ground on our swimming pool! They say 30 days from now it will be all done... depending on weather. The boys loved watching all the trucks and machines. It is going to be so wonderful. Both boys LOVE the water and it is so good for Cole. And I am probably the most excited of everyone. I have to pinch myself. Life is good!

Monday, March 1, 2010

The first of March! Can it really be here? Snow on the ground and still in the 30's but I do smell a bit of Spring in the air. Perhaps it's the chirp of baby birds. We are busy, busy, busy this month. We've begun the process of converting Eric's den into a bedroom for Cole. This will move him to the ground floor and no more stairs. It was really important to me that Cole have as much independence as possible. Once he gets his wheelchair he'll be able to get to his room without assistance. So we moved Eric out and painted and carpeted this room. Yes, it was painful to put carpet over wood floors. But the project is moving along nicely and hopefully we will completely move Cole downstairs next weekend.

I was super lucky to be able to go to Chicago this weekend and spend Saturday with my long time girlfriend Crescent. We have been friends since 5th grade. She was diagnoses with stage 2 breast cancer in October and is in the middle of chemo treatments. Her spirit is incredible and she looks wonderful. I too wish she still lived down the street.

We are getting ready for Cole's April surgery. He went in for pre-op testing today at St. V's. Blood work and an EKG. They also want a urinalysis???? OK, who can tell me the best way to collect an un-potty trained 2 1/2 year old's urine? He never fails to pee in the bathtub, so I am going to try my best tomorrow night to catch the stream. The alternative...a catheter. I've got to make it work.