Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A tricycle for Cole

We are in the process of getting Cole a tricycle. It is pretty pricey ($785.00) so we thought it would make an excellent 3rd birthday present. It would be great to be able to get the tricycle as soon as possible so Cole can enjoy it all summer long. If you are thinking about getting him a birthday present this year, this would be the best thing for him. Just follow the instructions below to donate toward the cost of the tricycle...and pass this along to anyone else who might be interested.

1. Click on the DONATE NOW button.
2. Select how much you wish to donate and click CONTINUE.
3. Fill out the information and make sure you select that you want to sponsor a child and list Cole Johnson, Brownsburg, IN in the box.
4. Know that you are making a little boy's life a lot more "normal" as he will be able to keep up with his brother and neighborhood friends.

Love to all!

Everyone is growing up

This weekend was Eric's birthday. Gavin was eager to help daddy blow out his candles. We did not do much to celebrate, as the boys were still sick (10 days in a row of little to no sleep) and Eric and I were just trying to survive. But we do have a babysitter for this Friday and VIP tickets to the Pearl Jam concert (perhaps we will meet the band?). So we'll celebrate a combined birthday and mother's day that night. SOOO excited!

In other BIG BOY news, Gavin transitioned to a toddler bed on Sunday. He was unsure at first and kept saying his bed was "broken". But he did great, hasn't fallen out yet, and is still sleeping like a champ.