Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cole the superhero

We started out on Monday with fresh snow on the ground and a two hour school delay. The boys did not make it to school as Cole had a very important appointment at 1:00. He received his power wheelchair. It is really cool. So high tech. And so far he likes it. He will only be using it at home until he learns how to drive. So far backward is the easiest direction. He has come close to running both Gavin and Shiloh over, but between you and me they were asking for it.

Then on Tuesday morning Cole saw the ENT to check on the big lymph node on the left side of his throat. It was suppose to be just a routine check, but the doctor didn't like that it was still there. So off Cole goes to get blood work and a chest x-ray to just make sure it is not something else. We have yet to get the results. I'll keep you posted. But in true Cole form, it is off to the Jackson Center for 3 hours of therapy starting at 12:30. He had one of his best days ever!

Wednesday finds us back at preschool and the handicapped parking space is not plowed out. They have dumped all the snow from the sidewalk directly onto the ramp. Seriously. It is 2 degrees and I have two 3 year olds to haul through the parking lot, dodging the car rider line, because those parents aren't waiting for anyone, plus pull Cole's chair and backpacks. Hump!

Thursday finds us back at St. Vincent for a scheduled surgery appointment for Cole to get botox. He has to go under general anesthesia for the doctor to be able to pinpoint the correct muscles. All went well. Dr. Kayes did Cole's arms only. Bicep, pronator? (to rotate his arms out), and thumbs.

What will Friday bring???? Off to Nashville for a work Christmas party. Not a dull moment here.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

November's come and gone.

It is an incredibly busy time of year for us all. Every time something cool has happened I've meant to blog, but something else pops up and it never gets done. This is what we did in November.

Cole received an early Christmas present from Grandma and Papa Trapp. They got him an iPad. My dad had read an article in the Wall Street Journal about special needs kids using the iPad with great success. As you can see by the smile on Cole's face, this has been a HUGE hit.

All day long I hear Cole say "Computer". It is his favorite thing besides watching Thomas and Friends. It is also one of the only activities that Cole and Gavin can do together independently. Now I hear Gavin say "I want to play with Cole's computer. Lets play together." This is how they play.
Cole's been working hard on his walking and standing. We are borrowing this walker from the Jackson Center.

In early November, Eric went to Europe on business and my mom was lucky enough to spend the week with us. We had a ball and spent one of the days at the Children's Museum with our old friends and neighbors from Plover, WI. Ellen Smith and Jennie Smith Pyrz and her kids.
Here we are on the favorite "Bobtruck".

The Jackson Center hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for families, supporters and board members. There was a guest appearance from Santa. If you recall Gavin was not a fan of Santa last year, and things have not changed. This is the best picture we were able to get. Happy Holidays!