Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cole the superhero

We started out on Monday with fresh snow on the ground and a two hour school delay. The boys did not make it to school as Cole had a very important appointment at 1:00. He received his power wheelchair. It is really cool. So high tech. And so far he likes it. He will only be using it at home until he learns how to drive. So far backward is the easiest direction. He has come close to running both Gavin and Shiloh over, but between you and me they were asking for it.

Then on Tuesday morning Cole saw the ENT to check on the big lymph node on the left side of his throat. It was suppose to be just a routine check, but the doctor didn't like that it was still there. So off Cole goes to get blood work and a chest x-ray to just make sure it is not something else. We have yet to get the results. I'll keep you posted. But in true Cole form, it is off to the Jackson Center for 3 hours of therapy starting at 12:30. He had one of his best days ever!

Wednesday finds us back at preschool and the handicapped parking space is not plowed out. They have dumped all the snow from the sidewalk directly onto the ramp. Seriously. It is 2 degrees and I have two 3 year olds to haul through the parking lot, dodging the car rider line, because those parents aren't waiting for anyone, plus pull Cole's chair and backpacks. Hump!

Thursday finds us back at St. Vincent for a scheduled surgery appointment for Cole to get botox. He has to go under general anesthesia for the doctor to be able to pinpoint the correct muscles. All went well. Dr. Kayes did Cole's arms only. Bicep, pronator? (to rotate his arms out), and thumbs.

What will Friday bring???? Off to Nashville for a work Christmas party. Not a dull moment here.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

November's come and gone.

It is an incredibly busy time of year for us all. Every time something cool has happened I've meant to blog, but something else pops up and it never gets done. This is what we did in November.

Cole received an early Christmas present from Grandma and Papa Trapp. They got him an iPad. My dad had read an article in the Wall Street Journal about special needs kids using the iPad with great success. As you can see by the smile on Cole's face, this has been a HUGE hit.

All day long I hear Cole say "Computer". It is his favorite thing besides watching Thomas and Friends. It is also one of the only activities that Cole and Gavin can do together independently. Now I hear Gavin say "I want to play with Cole's computer. Lets play together." This is how they play.
Cole's been working hard on his walking and standing. We are borrowing this walker from the Jackson Center.

In early November, Eric went to Europe on business and my mom was lucky enough to spend the week with us. We had a ball and spent one of the days at the Children's Museum with our old friends and neighbors from Plover, WI. Ellen Smith and Jennie Smith Pyrz and her kids.
Here we are on the favorite "Bobtruck".

The Jackson Center hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for families, supporters and board members. There was a guest appearance from Santa. If you recall Gavin was not a fan of Santa last year, and things have not changed. This is the best picture we were able to get. Happy Holidays!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Buzz and Woody took to the streets this Halloween in search of the perfect candy. Woody had to retire early due to a temper tantrum that would only be cured by watching Thomas the Train. Buzz and Mommy continued on, braved the cold and brought home enough candy for both boys.
Happy Halloween.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What's up October?

I am super happy to be able to say that last week we had a day off. The entire day with no therapy, no school, no doctor's appointments, nothing. This does not happen very often. So the boys and I made the most of it and went to the Children's Museum. We had a great day. Gavin was thrilled with all the construction exhibits and had a blast. He asks to go back all the time. Cole took a nice nap in his stroller. He had a good time too.

We have also had a string of fabulous weather. The four of us went to the pumpkin patch last weekend. Beautiful sunny day.

We rode on a wagon pulled by a tractor out to the pumpkin patch.

Eric's beloved Cincinnati Reds made it to the playoffs for the first time in 15 years. Although their series was short, we made the most of it and went to the game on Sunday night.

The boys have been learning about fire safety in school, so we made a quick trip to the fire station (in the 2 hours between school and a chiropractor visit). The fire fighters were great. They gave us (and my twins group) a tour, offered to let the boys sit in the fire truck (which both of them fearfully declined) and dressed in full firefighter gear to show that they are not scary.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's a wonderful life

I woke up this morning thinking to myself, "what a wonderful life". You may find that interesting as I spent the evening in the ER with Gavin for a concussion (he is fine) and the week running from developmental preschool to conductive education to hippotherapy to the eye doctor and finally to the chiropractor. All that instead of attending playgroups with other mothers who have children the same age, chatting about how bright and advanced our children are and what preschool they are going to attend (sarcasm noted). But I was chosen to care for two great little boys who follow their own path and take me to places I have never been, nor would have ever dreamed of going. I wouldn't want it any other way. Jimmy Stewart had it right. It really is a wonderful life.

Cole's Story

After a 3 week trial period at developmental preschool, a full time aide was approved to work with Cole. The teachers/therapists agreed that he belonged in the class and just needed more help to physically get around. We are really pleased with the decision and have found the school district easy to work with. This is in glaring contrast to the horror stories I have heard from other special needs parents in other school districts.

Cole had a great week at the Jackson Center. He is getting new foot orthodics. He hated the old ones and they were cutting into his calves. He worked all week just in regular shoes. SOOO much better.

Cole on the potty at the Jackson Center.

Cole and Ms. Lara after class.

Video of Cole walking with Matt. Great progress!

Gavin's Story

So here is the story of Gavin. We had just gotten home from the chiropractor at 3:30 on Friday. The boys were tired, but we missed nap and decided to play outside. Shiloh was all revved up and ready to play frisbee. Unfortunately, Gavin happened to be in his path and Shiloh took him out, causing him to hit his head on the driveway. There wasn't a scratch on him, but he was disoriented and crying and sleepy. Both boys fell asleep in the stroller in which I took this oh so cute photo...(with instigator Shiloh in the background). I thought nothing of it.

So Gavin wakes up and is not himself, complaining that his head hurts. Two vomits later, Gavin and I find ourselves in the ER. He has a concussion.

We are there until 11pm for observation and finally released. It is not serious. Gavin had a great time playing with toys and watching movies and one on one time with mom. He didn't want to come home.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

First days of school and the NICU picnic

The boys finished up their first week of school. Everything went pretty well, all things considered. One thing we know is, everyone was exhausted.

Cole and Shiloh sleeping Friday afternoon.

This year just Gavin and I went to the annual St. Vincent NICU reunion.
We had a blast. Here are a few highlights.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bowling with the Optimist Miracle Movers

Having a child with special needs is an incredible challenge. It is also an invitation into a special club that not very many people get to be a member of. And through this club we have meet some truly amazing people. Today we went bowling with the Optimist Miracle Movers. An organization that is committed to providing opportunities to special needs children that would normally not be available to them. The lanes had bumpers in the gutters and a ramp to roll your ball. We had a blast!

Cole and Gavin were paired up with Buddy Matt.

Cole's first time up.

Gavin and Matt.

No caption needed.

Halfway through August...already?

The summer has flown up. August 14th already...seriously? We've had a great, hot summer. Lots of travel and visits with family and friends. Big milestones were achieved. Gavin is officially potty trained. Cole is now putting himself to sleep (no more rocking for an hour before bed.) They both have been eating like champs lately and finally surpassed the 25 pound mark. They start preschool on Monday, but we hope to enjoy the pool and great weather for a few more months!

The pool has been a great way for us to keep in touch with friends. Even if they don't come to see us, no one can say no to a pool playdate. Remember Brianna, the boys NICU nurse? She and her daughter Tessa came over to swim, play and catch up.

Buzz and Woody stopped by to chill by the pool. (Thanks Aunt Debbie!)

The boys trashing my folded laundry and proving they are still peanuts.

And here is the story of the summer, proving again that I have the best family in the world. A women posted online that she had a seating system that she was giving away. It was a good fit for Cole, only problem it was located in Rochester, MN. My 'sister' Susan drove to pick it up in Rochester. Then Susan and family drove it to Milwaukee. They dropped it off with my other 'sister' Anne and Anne and her wonderful girls drove it down to Indianapolis for us. Amazing. The chair is working out great for Cole and saved us thousands of dollars. Thanks to the generous and wonderful people in this world who would do anything and everything for us.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

And then they were 3...

Happy Birthday Cole and Gavin. 3 years in our lives. Someday's it feels like it was just yesterday that you were born....other days, well.... This day is always one of mixed emotion. The memories of waking up on a Sunday morning at 27 weeks pregnant and my water breaking. Of an emergency c-section and two 2 lbs. babies that were taken away to another hospital before we could even say hello. It is also the day I became a mother to two extremely resilient fighters and survivors. The day Eric and my life changed forever. Happy Birthday indeed!

We celebrated today with a beautiful cake made by Stephanie and Caroline Thomson, aka, the Two Sisters Bakery. Thanks girls! It was wonderful.

Gavin loves blowing out candles, so we had to restrain him until we could finish singing. I didn't let him close enough to lick the frosting straight off the cake...but he tried.

Cole got an extra special birthday present. His tricycle came in yesterday. It is beautiful. Thanks to Peter and Susie Trapp, Jack and Judy Lynch, Trisha Watson, and The Northside Twins and Multiples Club for sponsoring the trike for Cole. It adjusts everywhere, so he will be able to use it for years to come. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!

So other than the BIG birthday we have been extremely busy with life. Cole is in the process of getting a power wheelchair. This is Cole trying one out for the first time. This one was way too big, but we wanted to see if he would "get it". Cole made the chair go backward and in a circle. But the smile on his face when he realized it was him doing it was priceless. We think he will be able to get it. We have an appointment next Thursday to get measurements and finalize the order. I'm excited for Cole. This means we have a lot to do to get our lives ready for this large and heavy chair. We are having a lift installed in our garage to accommodate the chair. We also have to think about our van and getting the chair in and out. Not sure what we are going to do there. So much to think about and learn.

Let's not forget about Gavin. He has had a major accomplishment in his life lately. He is 2 weeks into potty training and doing great. Very few accidents and holding it all night. Unfortunately, it is causing him even more constipation. As if it wasn't bad enough already.

Now we have always had trouble with Cole sleeping and Gavin has always been the champ. Well these two have switched roles and Cole is our predictable sleeper now and Gavin is up every night. Not sure why Gavin is having such troubles, but I hope he figures it out soon.

I know why Cole is sleeping. He is exhausted from the Jackson Center. They are working his tail off. He did awesome today! I've worried in the past that we are pushing Cole too hard. But the harder he works and the more scheduled his day is, the better off he is. Vacation does not do him any favors.

He is going to be a busy, busy boy this fall. Monday, Wednesday, Friday he and Gavin will be attending our Brownsburg School's community preschool. The class is made up of 7 typical kids and 7 kids with IEP's (individual education plans). Cole will be the most physically disabled kid in the class by far. 1 teacher, 1 aide. We requested one-on-one for Cole, but we were denied. They are going to add one more adult to observe the class for three weeks and see what Cole needs. Then we will reconvene and discuss what changes are possible. My prediction: he will either get one-on-one or he will have to attend the developmental preschool class with smaller numbers and all IEP kids. I don't want him there.

And on Tuesday and Thursday he will be attending The Jackson Center for Conductive Ed. We've decided to keep him here. It is by far the best place for Cole. No excuses and hard work pays off. Exactly what Cole needs. And let's not forget hippotherapy! He will be riding his horse on Wednesday afternoons.

What else???? We hosted the CP Mom's Summer Picnic at our house last Sat. 55 people! It was a great day and so fun to see everyone's kids and husbands. What a great support network.
And Eric and I celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary. Whew!!! I don't think we could do anymore. I'm exhausted from typing it, much less living it!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vacation to Casa Trapp

We have just returned home from a great week vacationing in South Carolina. We visited my parents beautiful mountain home in Travelers Rest. It was non-stop but here are some of the highlights.
We had our annual family photo's taken. This year we revisited the Chapel that Eric and I got married in 6 years ago. It was hot just like our wedding day and we were hard pressed to get the boys smiling at the same time. But we did manage to get a few good shots.

We spent an awesome day on Lake Keowee boating. The boys LOVED it. Gavin went tubing with daddy and drove the boat. Cole loved the wind on his face and the sound of the boat.

Eric, Dad and I went to Atlanta for the annual running of the 10k Peachtree Road Race. The guys ran and I enjoyed 24 hours away from the twins, catching up on my sleep and reading. Dad had his all time best race, coming in just over 1 hour. Eric did amazing and I am so proud of both of them.

Papa took the boys on their first fishing trip. They both caught 2 fish. Gavin liked to look, but did not want to touch the fish. Cole was totally hands on and I thought he might gouge their eyes out. They both enjoyed digging in the worm container, but I put an end to that when Cole decided to put his dirt/wormy hands in his mouth.

And if the trip wasn't already great enough, I was able to spend the day with my college roommate Angelica and her daughter Ana Sofia. The kids had fun swimming and playing. I think this might be the last picture of me holding both boys at once. Not an easy task anymore.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Field Trip: Splash Island

Cole and Daddy

Gavin at Splash Island

Cole with Miss Lara
Jackson Center field trip to Splash Island

Two tired boys chillin'