Tuesday, December 15, 2009

busy busy busy

Busy week. Lots of doctors apts. Saw Dr. Dieterich (physiatrist) today. Cole is now scheduled for another round of botox next Tuesday. The soonest you can get botox is every 3 months. We are right at 3 months. She is also troubled by the tightness in Cole's hips and thighs and his legs are too different lengths. He is having x-rays done tomorrow. Hope it is nothing.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Little Santas

The week has been filled with bad weather. Another snow day with lots of wind, no power for 7 hours one day, the usual wonderful winter weather. But we continued on and had a really busy week of therapy, school and playdates. Eric and I also went to a HatWorld Christmas party on Friday night and we are going to the Colts game tomorrow.
Cole did great at school this week. His teachers/therapists are really expecting a lot from him and therefore pushing him out of his comfort zone. I love it. I watched him side sit, with arms/hands to the floor and he sat all by himself for a good 10-15 seconds. I've never seen that before. We also noticed that his legs are now different lengths...what that means, I'm not sure but we see Dr. Dieterich (physiatrist) on Tuesday so we'll address it there. He has also been pretty cranky lately and not sleeping well, so he may just be going through a growth spurt.
Gavin went in for a hearing test this week, which he failed due to fluid in his ears. So now we are back to the doctor on Monday to fix that, before heading back to Methodist Hosp. for another hearing test. It's hard to believe we can fit all of this into our already busy week.

Monday, December 7, 2009

1st Snow

We had our first snow today. Maybe an inch at the most, but it was the first time the boys noticed it and wanted to play in it. Cole had hippotherapy cancelled due to poor road conditions (don't laugh my WI/MN friends), so we had a rare free morning at home. It took us so long to get bundled up. We were all sweating by the time we got outside...but it was worth it. With Cole loaded up in the sled and Gavin blazing the path we had an awesome time.

Friday, December 4, 2009

First week of pre-school for Cole

Cole started pre-school this week at Cornerstone Pediatric Rehabilitation. http://cornerstonepediatricrehab.com/home
It is a special needs pre-school that incorporated PT, OT, ST, and DT into the day along with regular pre-school stuff. He goes 2 days a week for 3 hours each day. He did really well on day 1. Didn't cry, worked hard, had fun. A totally different story for day 2. Cried for a solid hour, wouldn't cooperate with the therapists and then fell asleep. The poor little guy is totally over-scheduled and we are evaluating what is going to stay and what is going to go.

He is doing really well with hippotherapy. He now rides twice a week. I've seen a huge difference in his head and back strength. This is by far the best thing we've found for him. He likes to ride now and doesn't cry when he goes to the horse (& away from me).

We are decorated and ready for Christmas. Gavin has only intentionally broken one ornament. I think that is pretty good. The Christmas Elf is watching their every move and reporting back to Santa nightly. This is the first Christmas where I think they are a little interested in the decorations and are starting to get that this is a really fun and magical time of year.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009