Sunday, June 6, 2010

Endings and beginnings...

Lots of endings and many beginnings for us in May and June. Gavin finished up his First Steps therapy in May. He worked with Miss Shiela, a developmental therapist, once a week for 1 1/2 years. She worked on speech, sensory integration, play skills and so much more. She was wonderful with Gavin and we will miss her dearly.
Check Spelling

(Miss Shiela and Gavin)

Cole finished up at Cornerstone Pediatric Rehab. He attended their "Bridge" program twice a week from Dec. until May doing PT, OT, Speech and DT. It was a great program, but we just felt it wasn't the right fit for Cole. So after one week of therapy vacation, Cole started at The Jackson Center for Conductive Education. This program also is twice a week for 3 hours and it is intense. Cole uses a walker to go everywhere at the Jackson Center. He walks to the potty and to class and back to the potty and to snack. Walks everywhere and looks great doing it. The first day was really hard. Cole pitched a fit from the moment he got there. Crying and spitting and posturing. At one point he had 3 adults working with him to get him into position. It was the first time I felt like going in and "rescuing" Cole from therapy. I wanted to hold him and comfort him and make them stop. But I didn't. And he survived. The second day he walked to class with no tears, laughed, worked really hard and did a great job. There is an amazing neurological connection between physical movement and speech. The more Cole moves the better his speech gets and he proved it once more this week. He is partnered with Matt. His first male therapist and they are a perfect match for each other. Matt is strong so Cole can't man-handle him.

(Cole and Matt at The Jackson Center)

Now there are two things the Trapp side of our family has been known for throughout the generations... our dancing abilities and our sleeping abilities. I was blessed to receive both of these gifts and I'm happy to say they have been successfully passed to the next generation...I know you were all very worried.

Video 1: Gavin or Papa Trapp? It is hard to distinguish.
Video 2: Cole or Grandma Susie? Again, hard to distinguish.

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