Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gavin's first day of preschool.

Today was the big day. Gavin's first day of preschool and first day riding the bus. It was a bitter sweet day. He did it alone. And he was brave. After encouraging him, OK pushing him up the stairs to the bus, Cole and I walked home together. I shed some tears, which I rarely do. The boys will not be going to school together this year. A first. They both start at 9, one in Brownsburg and one in Mooresville. 40 minutes apart.

It wasn't so much that Gavin was going to school or riding the bus. I felt sad for him not being able to experience it with Cole. We don't spend much time thinking about Cole's cerebral palsy. It is what it is. And we do the best we can to give Cole every opportunity available. But today is one day that the difference between them is pronounced. That they will not be going down the same path. The twin bond is there no matter the differences between the boys. I just wish some days that it was easier for all of us.

Leaving for school

Waiting at the bus stop.

Big bus coming!

Sitting in first row, getting strapped into car seat by Geena the aide. Ms. Kathy is his bus driver.


  1. Two of my favorite boys in the world! Can't wait to hear how it went for Gavin at school today! You are such a good mommy to both those guys! We love you all! XOXO

  2. The above is from me, Julie. I changed my profile after posting that. There are too many "Kims" in the world to just go by that on Google. :-)

  3. I loved reading this, Julie. What a beautiful picture of the boys, their smiles are so electric :-)

    How did he do on his first day?

  4. You guys are adorable. We love you. I'm looking forward to being with my two favorite boys tomorrow. <3

    Love you all,

  5. Amazing little guys, with such bravery. They are growing up way too fast!
    Love ya Julie.
